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Подскажите что делать. После включения, приставка предложила обновиться, что и было сделано. После подтверждения, скачивания и установки, приставка начала перегружаться и зависла на экране Kartina TV, Powered by DUNE HD, Loading...


Что делать???

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Добрый вечер. Первый старт после обновления может быть продолжительным (до пары минут). Если приставка висит дольше на обновлении, то что-то пошло не так и нужно обновить её в аварийном режиме. Жду от вас ответа.

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Тогда аварийная перепрошивка. Линк на прошивку.

В любом случае можете связаться с нами и мы всё сделаем. Работаем круглосуточно.


С уважением KartinaTV Team.

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  • 3 months later...

Добрый вечер.
Помогите пожалуйста ,при включении приставки горит loadng на экране,я почитал на форуме,вроде как прошивку переустановить нужно.Скачал файл прошивки,все сделал по инструкции,при установки с флешки помигало несколько секунд и стало,но записало на флешку текстовый файл с ходом выполнения.Что делать дальше,может прислать вам этот файл и вы скажете в чем ошибка?
Заранее спасибо.

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Здравствуйте. В текстовом фале написало какая ошибка произошла? В вашем случае быстрей всего к нам позвонить с такой проблемой.

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Для перепрошивки я использовал сначала этот файл - dune_firmware_kartina_micro_hd_150516_0037_r10r1.dff


Не получилось и я нашел на форуме еще один,я так понял,более ранний-




Вот текстовый файл -


fip_init(): opening /dev/fip0...

fip_init(): OK

fip_show_text: 'RECOVER'

Recovery started (/tmp/boot_mnt/10_sda1/dune_firmware.dff)

  - kartina_micro_hd


Input file size: 70648320

Supported hw version 3

Actual hw version 1

Persistfs part is not present

Input file '/tmp/boot_mnt/10_sda1/dune_firmware.dff' opened

Initial read of 512 bytes from input file done

fip_show_text: 'CHK 0'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 0'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 0'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 0'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 0'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 0'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 1'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 1'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 1'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 1'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 1'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 2'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 2'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 2'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 2'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 2'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 2'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 3'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 3'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 3'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 3'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 3'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 4'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 4'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 4'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 4'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 4'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 5'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 5'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 5'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 5'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 5'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 5'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 6'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 6'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 6'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 6'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 6'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 7'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 7'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 7'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 7'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 7'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 7'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 8'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 8'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 8'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 8'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 8'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 9'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 9'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 9'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 9'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 9'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 10'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 10'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 10'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 10'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 10'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 10'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 11'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 11'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 11'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 11'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 11'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 12'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 12'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 12'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 12'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 12'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 12'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 13'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 13'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 13'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 13'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 13'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 14'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 14'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 14'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 14'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 14'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 15'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 15'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 15'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 15'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 15'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 15'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 16'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 16'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 16'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 16'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 16'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 17'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 17'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 17'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 17'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 17'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 17'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 18'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 18'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 18'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 18'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 18'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 19'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 19'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 19'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 19'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 19'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 20'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 20'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 20'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 20'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 20'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 20'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 21'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 21'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 21'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 21'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 21'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 22'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 22'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 22'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 22'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 22'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 23'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 23'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 23'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 23'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 23'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 23'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 24'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 24'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 24'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 24'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 24'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 25'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 25'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 25'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 25'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 25'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 25'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 26'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 26'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 26'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 26'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 26'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 27'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 27'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 27'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 27'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 27'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 28'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 28'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 28'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 28'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 28'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 28'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 29'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 29'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 29'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 29'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 29'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 30'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 30'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 30'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 30'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 30'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 30'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 31'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 31'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 31'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 31'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 31'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 32'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 32'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 32'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 32'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 32'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 33'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 33'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 33'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 33'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 33'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 33'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 34'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 34'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 34'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 34'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 34'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 35'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 35'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 35'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 35'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 35'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 35'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 36'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 36'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 36'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 36'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 36'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 37'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 37'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 37'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 37'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 37'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 38'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 38'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 38'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 38'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 38'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 38'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 39'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 39'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 39'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 39'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 39'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 40'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 40'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 40'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 40'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 40'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 41'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 41'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 41'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 41'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 41'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 41'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 42'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 42'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 42'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 42'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 42'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 43'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 43'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 43'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 43'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 43'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 43'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 44'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 44'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 44'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 44'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 44'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 45'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 45'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 45'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 45'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 45'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 46'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 46'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 46'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 46'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 46'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 46'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 47'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 47'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 47'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 47'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 47'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 48'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 48'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 48'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 48'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 48'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 48'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 49'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 49'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 49'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 49'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 49'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 50'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 50'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 50'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 50'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 50'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 51'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 51'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 51'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 51'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 51'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 51'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 52'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 52'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 52'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 52'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 52'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 53'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 53'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 53'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 53'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 53'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 53'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 54'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 54'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 54'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 54'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 54'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 55'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 55'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 55'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 55'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 55'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 56'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 56'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 56'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 56'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 56'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 56'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 57'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 57'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 57'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 57'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 57'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 58'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 58'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 58'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 58'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 58'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 58'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 59'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 59'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 59'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 59'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 59'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 60'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 60'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 60'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 60'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 60'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 61'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 61'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 61'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 61'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 61'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 61'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 62'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 62'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 62'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 62'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 62'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 63'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 63'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 63'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 63'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 63'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 64'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 64'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 64'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 64'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 64'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 64'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 65'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 65'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 65'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 65'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 65'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 66'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 66'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 66'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 66'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 66'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 66'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 67'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 67'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 67'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 67'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 67'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 68'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 68'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 68'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 68'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 68'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 69'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 69'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 69'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 69'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 69'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 69'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 70'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 70'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 70'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 70'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 70'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 71'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 71'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 71'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 71'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 71'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 71'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 72'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 72'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 72'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 72'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 72'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 73'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 73'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 73'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 73'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 73'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 74'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 74'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 74'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 74'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 74'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 74'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 75'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 75'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 75'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 75'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 75'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 76'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 76'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 76'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 76'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 76'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 76'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 77'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 77'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 77'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 77'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 77'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 78'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 78'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 78'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 78'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 78'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 79'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 79'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 79'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 79'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 79'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 79'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 80'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 80'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 80'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 80'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 80'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 81'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 81'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 81'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 81'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 81'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 82'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 82'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 82'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 82'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 82'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 82'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 83'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 83'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 83'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 83'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 83'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 84'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 84'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 84'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 84'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 84'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 84'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 85'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 85'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 85'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 85'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 85'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 86'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 86'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 86'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 86'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 86'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 87'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 87'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 87'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 87'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 87'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 87'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 88'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 88'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 88'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 88'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 88'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 89'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 89'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 89'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 89'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 89'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 89'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 90'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 90'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 90'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 90'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 90'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 91'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 91'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 91'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 91'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 91'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 92'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 92'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 92'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 92'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 92'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 92'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 93'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 93'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 93'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 93'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 93'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 94'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 94'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 94'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 94'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 94'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 94'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 95'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 95'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 95'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 95'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 95'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 96'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 96'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 96'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 96'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 96'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 97'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 97'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 97'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 97'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 97'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 97'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 98'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 98'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 98'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 98'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 98'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 99'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 99'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 99'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 99'

131072 bytes read from input file

fip_show_text: 'CHK 99'

131072 bytes read from input file

All data is checksummed


fip_show_text: 'ERR C10'

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