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Please see attached image. 
This started a few days ago - some programs are listed with "T" in stead of "R".
I think "R" means it is recorded by Kartina, but what about "T"?
We have discovered that the function for making a local recording on the Dune is not possible on "T", only on "R".
Why is this?

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13 минуты назад, Stig сказал:

Please see attached image. 
This started a few days ago - some programs are listed with "T" in stead of "R".
I think "R" means it is recorded by Kartina, but what about "T"?
We have discovered that the function for making a local recording on the Dune is not possible on "T", only on "R".
Why is this?

Буквой Т помечены передачи из Телетеки. Это тот же архив, но без рекламы. Записывать такие передачи на накопитель нельзя.
В настройках абонемента телетеку можно отключить.

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