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Какой протокол Pptp/l2tp/sstp выбрать


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В принципе вопрос простой :) Нужно знать какой из 3х протоколов ВПН (PPTP/L2TP/SSTP) лучше использовать для просмотра картины ? Как вы все знаете, картина запустила архив только на Европейских серверах и нам (в тае) приходится использовать ВПН соединение через штаты, что бы улучшить скорость к первому серверу..

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Если вы смотрите на компьютере то мне кажется что лучше всего OpenVPN по скольку его можно запустить с порта 80 с которого трафик большенство провайдеров почти не режут

К стати если хотите получить доступ к моиму серверу свяжитесь со мной

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да на компе

а где у вас сервер ? (просто если в штатах, то буду благодарен возможности протестировать картину через опен впн)

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да на компе

а где у вас сервер ? (просто если в штатах, то буду благодарен возможности протестировать картину через опен впн)



Да, В Штатах, Техас

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начал опытное тестирование

пока могу сказать так

Pptp - в принципе неплохо, но только для рерутинга трафика

l2tp - немного улучшается скорость, насколько я понял из за большой совместимости с маршрутизаторами

sstp - похоже на l2tp

OpenVPN - реально удивил (только начал тестировать) но с ним есть прирост скорости ко всем серверам картины (видимо, действительно провайдеры трафик режут)


myview - респект вам и уважуха :)

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короче я с делал так

попробовал ваш доступ (еще раз спасибо) и оформил себе openvpn на strongvpn.com

порты разные, сейчас пытаюсь понять, есть ли разница. Особо не вижу, но по сравнению с Pptp/l2tp/sstp прирост скорости процентов на 10-20 %

с ВПН идет лучше, но у нас в час пик все международные каналы ложатся :( :( :( в остальное же время впн спасает с архивом, так как достучаться до него напрямую из Таиланда крайне сложно, а ребята из картины пока не хотят завоевывать Азию :(



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У меня кажется есть одна идея, Не могу гарантировать что сработает, Но попробывать можно

Я сейчас работаю над этим


К стати вы пока можете пользоваться моим OpenVPN

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Пока полет нормальный, в 95%, когда доступ к Европе падает, VPN спасает (в 5% происходит нечто странное, при включение впн, любого, через Штаты, скорость ко всем серверам в штатах хорошая, но не к Архиву.. это уже видимо глюки архива..)


К стати, вчера медиакомп добавил в DMZ в руторах (раньше только чатьс портов была открыта), интересно, но скорость немного улучшилась. :)

Edited by eThaiRu
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the (bad) English language (I'm still learning Russian).


I'm having speed problem to watch kartina TV from Brazil. Reading this thread I decided to post my questions just because yesterday (before reading this thread) I decide to try vpn from strongvpn.com, in the hope of a speed improvement. Well, it didn't help almost nothing. My Internet connection is 2 mbps (max. available speed to my local area) and normally I download files at 240 kbps (generally multithread downloads - 2 or more connections in the same file). Well, is 240kbps to slow to watch kartina tv? In the kartina's speed test I never achieved the 2 mbps recommended (my maximum was aprox. 1.8 mbps), but I assumed the risk and give a try, because on the trial test was not perfect but was ok.


I'm an user of kartina.tv since February 2010, and in the beginning was possible to watch, although occasionally pauses. At that time, sometime was practically impossible to watch. Well, recently it's almost impossible to watch all day, so I though it could be a problem connecting to kartina server from my location. So, once again, I take the risk and decided to try by vpn. After reading this thread I decided upgrade my vpn account to try by openvpn, and it was worst than 'normal' connection (without vpn) or by pptp. I'm completely new to this, never heard of it a 3 or 4 days before, but i'm struggling to improve connection speed. Here, in my location, kartina is watchable only on earlier hours of the day (aprox. 2 to 6 a.m.), and only yesterday (maybe because of vpn), at early hours of the day, I could see what is a normal watching: archive working, jumping to time working, live TV working (just waiting 2 or 3 seconds to buffer)... Well, I was completely disappointed when I discovered that the slow connection returns on the morning, afternoon and night... I know my Internet speed is not fast, but when I download (at any time of the day) I achieve 240 kbps... Is that not enough to kartina? The problem is that there is no way to create more than one connection to the stream, because I speed up downloads with multiple connections to the same file.


Well, some day I hope that I could watch Russian iptv like my local cable TV.

Sorry if I post in not appropriated location and language, and any recommendation to improve speed is welcome.

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Sorry for the (bad) English language (I'm still learning Russian).


I'm having speed problem to watch kartina TV from Brazil. Reading this thread I decided to post my questions just because yesterday (before reading this thread) I decide to try vpn from strongvpn.com, in the hope of a speed improvement. Well, it didn't help almost nothing. My Internet connection is 2 mbps (max. available speed to my local area) and normally I download files at 240 kbps (generally multithread downloads - 2 or more connections in the same file). Well, is 240kbps to slow to watch kartina tv? In the kartina's speed test I never achieved the 2 mbps recommended (my maximum was aprox. 1.8 mbps), but I assumed the risk and give a try, because on the trial test was not perfect but was ok.


I'm an user of kartina.tv since February 2010, and in the beginning was possible to watch, although occasionally pauses. At that time, sometime was practically impossible to watch. Well, recently it's almost impossible to watch all day, so I though it could be a problem connecting to kartina server from my location. So, once again, I take the risk and decided to try by vpn. After reading this thread I decided upgrade my vpn account to try by openvpn, and it was worst than 'normal' connection (without vpn) or by pptp. I'm completely new to this, never heard of it a 3 or 4 days before, but i'm struggling to improve connection speed. Here, in my location, kartina is watchable only on earlier hours of the day (aprox. 2 to 6 a.m.), and only yesterday (maybe because of vpn), at early hours of the day, I could see what is a normal watching: archive working, jumping to time working, live TV working (just waiting 2 or 3 seconds to buffer)... Well, I was completely disappointed when I discovered that the slow connection returns on the morning, afternoon and night... I know my Internet speed is not fast, but when I download (at any time of the day) I achieve 240 kbps... Is that not enough to kartina? The problem is that there is no way to create more than one connection to the stream, because I speed up downloads with multiple connections to the same file.


Well, some day I hope that I could watch Russian iptv like my local cable TV.

Sorry if I post in not appropriated location and language, and any recommendation to improve speed is welcome.


My English is also very far from perfect, But I will try to write:

Usually about 1.8mbps is enough to watch almost all the channels with an exception of the movie channels

Regarding your question about why the download speed from other websites is always fine, The reason is that you are usually downloading from port 80, A standard port and the traffic is not being throttled from this port

All the channels are streaming from non-standard ports like 18001 and the ISPs in most areas are known to throttle traffic from non-standard ports.

You may compare the results from here and here

In case if the first test is faster than the second test then your ISP is using the traffic throtlling tactic

Have you tried to raise the buffering time in settings, I suggest you to raise it to at least 8 seconds or even 15 seconds, It would take longer to load but may significantely decrease problems

here I have created a video about how to raise the buffering time

You may also try the VLC-Record, You may raise the buffering time up to 90 seconds there.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply and also creating the video.


I did the test twice, but here the first test (d.php) was slower than the second. The faster was on server 2. Sorry for the silly question, but there is a way to watch on standard ports? I didn't test l2tp yet, it seems that strongvpn.com has this option and if yes I will try later.


I forgot to say that I use VLC-Record and VLC to watch.

I prefer using VLC (using the option "1_vlc-player.mod") instead of the embedded player ("5_libvlc.mod" on setting/Player module) just to see the state of the buffer.

I use VLC 1.0.5 instead of the current version because with this version I can see the buffering info (0% to 100%), and its easy to see the speed the buffer is being fulled.


Well, I'm not sure but it seems that changing the buffer on VLC (Show settings/All - Input / Codecs -> Access modules -> HTTP(S) -> Caching value in ms), VLC will use this setting instead of the setting on VLC-Record (Access -> Buffering -> Time (msec.)). Believe it or not, I tried the value 600 000 (10 minutes buffer!!), and a I was able to watch a 45 minutes program with only 3 or 4 pauses. To watch archive is OK, but impracticable to watch live TV.


Thank you for your attention.


[EDIT] I forgot to say that here I can do torrent download at 240 kbps (when there are good sources), so if torrent uses non standard ports, here there is no speed problem.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply and also creating the video.


I did the test twice, but here the first test (d.php) was slower than the second. The faster was on server 2. Sorry for the silly question, but there is a way to watch on standard ports? I didn't test l2tp yet, it seems that strongvpn.com has this option and if yes I will try later.


I forgot to say that I use VLC-Record and VLC to watch.

I prefer using VLC (using the option "1_vlc-player.mod") instead of the embedded player ("5_libvlc.mod" on setting/Player module) just to see the state of the buffer.

I use VLC 1.0.5 instead of the current version because with this version I can see the buffering info (0% to 100%), and its easy to see the speed the buffer is being fulled.


Well, I'm not sure but it seems that changing the buffer on VLC (Show settings/All - Input / Codecs -> Access modules -> HTTP(S) -> Caching value in ms), VLC will use this setting instead of the setting on VLC-Record (Access -> Buffering -> Time (msec.)). Believe it or not, I tried the value 600 000 (10 minutes buffer!!), and a I was able to watch a 45 minutes program with only 3 or 4 pauses. To watch archive is OK, but impracticable to watch live TV.


Thank you for your attention.


[EDIT] I forgot to say that here I can do torrent download at 240 kbps (when there are good sources), so if torrent uses non standard ports, here there is no speed problem.



Did you set the server to Server 2 in the VLC-Record settings? You probably did, But just to make sure. (This setting is located on the very same configuration screen)

I forgot whether StrongVPN have OpenVPN server that are located in the US and are working on port 80

If they do have such server then I would strongly suggest you to try it

If they don't have such server or it is not included in your current package then I may send you details of my OpenVPN server so that you would be able to try with it and check whether it would resolve your problem.

If you would like to try my OpenVPN server then please let me know and I will send you a configuration file with instruction (If necessary) through a PM.





myview и AHTOH вам суда




Но или попросим администрацию форума перевести эти пару сообщений сюда

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  • 3 weeks later...

Попробую добавить немного... путем проб и ошибок, заметил, что конкретно из Таиланда лучше всего коннект идет через Сингапур.Скорость доступа к картине на первый сервер увеличивается на 50-500% !! ко второму увеличивается не значительно, на 10-50%. Могу посоветовать сделать так, взять эккаунт в стронг впн и брать алякарте новые сервера.. конечно может помочь speedtest.net где можно посмотреть рейтинг стран, ищите ближайшую к вам с более высоким рейтингом и пробуйте..

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