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Servers Down

Guest ukrkoz

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hi all


i had kartinatv.us for USA for about a month now and servers went down twice. is that pretty typical situation? Just curious, as I have pitched this service to relatives, now I have to deal with their gripes.

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i think, info on kartina website was for european service. i have not noticed, nor did my relative, any interruption in service. of course, outside the ususal channels missing or some channels freezing, some working well.


there's plethora to watch even if some channels go down or buffer too much. i am in "exploration" stage right now. probably, spending more time learning channels, than actually watching something, he-he. basically, switched to kartina almost completely, as there's seriously not much to watch on american tv. afraid my english will start limping.. ;)


thank you, myview. i am very glad i have someone to communicate with in english. and with good knowledge on the subjects touched either.

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Typically, the total outage of the servers happens whenever technical work must be performed, and that is normally announced at least 24 hours in advance. That particular situation was out of control but was resolved quickly. Of course, people who don't read the web-site or relate on other family members as the in-house tech support may not be that lucky, if you know what I mean :-)

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спасибо. админ попросил по английски болше не писат, так стак ползоватса транслит.ру, уж извините за очепатки (:о))


я сразу спрыгнул на форум, на форуме кто-то уже сказал что просто надо сделат рибут на коробке, а она просто включилась сама по себе. а мне уж очен интересно, я етот сервис рекомендую всем нашым здесь, так уж не хочется рекомендоват заморозки и блекауты.



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