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  1. cmrll

    Kartina.TV на Samsung Smart TV Tizen OLD

    I used the euro servers because in Australia they have the fastest speeds. Changing to north US did not work, but I then changed to auto and it does work now. Thus, for some reason certain servers that worked before on samsung no longer work. I presume auto selected the one that does so all good for now. Thanks again!
  2. cmrll

    Kartina.TV на Samsung Smart TV Tizen OLD

    user: 10982561. It gave me an error once, but what happens is when I select a program it starts (that is the timer begins as usual) but no video or sound comes through. Does not work on at least 5 samsung TVs on which it worked last week. Nothing wrong with my account as it works on IOS and PC. Thus, something must be wrong with the samsung app and can you please answer a simple question: is there a problem with the samsung app please? Many thanks in advance!
  3. cmrll

    Kartina.TV на Samsung Smart TV Tizen OLD

    Hi my Kartina Samsung app has stopped working since Friday. It opens and the login is successful but when I select a program to watch the timer begins but there is no video coming through or it gives an error and to try and select the program in 5 seconds. Can you tell me what the problem is and when it will be fixed. I have 3 Samsung TVs and it is on all so it is not the TV. Thanks in advance.
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