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0 Neutral
  1. Мой платный аккаунт не работает на iPhone. Пробный счет работает. Платный аккаунт получает ссылки для VLC. Пробный счет получает m3u8 ссылки которие работают. Как можно исправить? Спасибо. -- Пожалуйста, простите мой бедный русский язык.
  2. andr3y

    Описание Rest Api

    Hello, I need some help regarding the API. (I understand written Russian, but I can describe the problem better in English). I'm logging in using "device=apple" for the "/login" request. But, sometimes the API returns channel URLs in response to "/get_url" in the form of either: Type 1: http://<IP_ADDRESS_WITHOUT_PORT>/streaming/test6.m3u8?ticket=<CODE> or Type2: http://<IP_ADDRESS_WITH_PORT>/?ticket=<CODE> Type 1 URLs play fine on iPad because I'm assuming the stream format is HTTP Live Streaming. Type 2 URLs do not work. I've tested both with my paid Kartina account and the demo accounts. The paid account always returns non-apple Type 2 URLs. Demo accounts return either type of URL randomly - sometimes Type 1, sometimes Type 2. This problem is also present when logging in on iPad through Safari at iptv-kartina.tv. Sometimes the stream works, sometimes it doesn't. Why is the API returning Type 2 URLs for JSON calls with "device=apple"? I'd appreciate any advice. (I edited the post to clarify after some further testing.)
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