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  1. galacticaag

    Tv через Windows Media Center

    За ресурс огромное спасибо! Это очень удобно!
  2. galacticaag

    Tv через Windows Media Center

    I don't prefer English, I just don't have Russian letters on my keyboard. For VLC Player (or any other compatible media player for that matter): If you trust this site (I did): http://kartina.pristavka.de/new/, you can use your password and username to generate a playlist.m3u. Then just drag and drop to vlc player. Hope that helps
  3. galacticaag

    Tv через Windows Media Center

    Hello, Sorry for replying in English on my 1st post but I do not have Cyrillic on this keyboard... I've spent the whole evening trying to get Kartina to work with WMC but without luck... So far I've done this: Installed SP1 on my Vista x64 Installed Media Center TV Pack 2008, PlayReady PC Runtime , KB951685, KB950754. Updated MSDTVVDEC.DLL Turned off UAC and installed DVBLink, used kartina.tv generated playlist.m3u for channels (IPTV is sinked with 1st tuner) Set up 4 DVB tunners as in .pdf manual and updated channel list in WMC. So far so good, but when I try to watch live tv in WMC it states that I have a Decoder Error and suggests that I restart the program or my PC... that obiously doesn't help one bit. -Any ideas? Please! PS: VLC works great btw.
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